Tour de Lifestyle
In support of the Royal Children's Hospital Foundation (RCHF).

Tour de Lifestyle is Lifestyle Communities marquee fundraising event.
The Tour de Lifestyle event extends to Walk, Talk, Ride, designed to foster inclusion and encourage greater participation across our communities, building on our collective effort to make a difference.
Lifestyle Deanside homeowner Paul Walton and fellow homeowners pedal (or run) through picturesque landscapes to 20 Lifestyle Communities across the state. This 600km journey is complimented by community walks and fundraising events planned around rider arrival at our communities, and, guest speakers, joining us from the Royal Children’s Hospital to shed light on the incredible impact that donations make in supporting children with cancer.
In 2023 we raised over $71,605.70 with a target to raise over $100,000 in 2024. We are absolutely thrilled to share that the final total raised from Tour de Lifestyle in 2024 is $161,146!

Meet Paul Walton
Paul Walton “I have lived a very fortunate life, being married for over 40 years, having two healthy children and now a grandfather to 5 beautiful grandchildren (ages ranging from 18 months to 8 years old).
I have spent most of my adult life responding to emergencies and caring for people, having worked with the Melbourne Fire Brigade (MFB) as a professional firefighter, Victorian Ambulance Service and Tasmanian Ambulance Service as a Paramedic.
During my time with the emergency services, I have witnessed and been involved in situations that have been difficult and sometimes broken my heart, especially the jobs I have done where children have been involved. I have spent a considerable amount of time in the children’s hospital with patients (the kids), and their parents, sometimes spending longer than I should have to talk with the parents and being a shoulder to cry on.

In 2022, I received a panic call from my son telling me that his daughter (my granddaughter) was suffering a seizure and an Ambulance was not available for an hour. Fortunately, I only live 10 minutes away and could respond and transport my granddaughter and son to the Royal Children's Hospital. The initial treatment and follow-up treatment have been excellent. All Victorians should feel very fortunate to have such an incredible medical system, especially for the kids.
My wife and I donate yearly to the Good Friday appeal, but things have changed this year. I now live in a fantastic community at Lifestyle Deanside, where people are very kind and generous. So, I came up with the idea of riding to each community to raise money for the Royal Children's Hospital (children with cancer).
Lifestyle Communities® has been amazing, offering to support my initiative, so it was a no-brainer to do something more than just a simple annual donation.
This challenge won’t be easy, but it will be much easier than the challenge children with cancer face daily.”
Tour de Lifestyle
Proud supporter of the Royal Children's Hospital Foundation (RCHF).
Royal Children's Hospital Foundation (RCHF)