Lifestyle Communities
4 minute read

Thrive in a Supportive Environment: Live at Lifestyle Communities®

Lifestyle Ocean Grove Bowls happy

Living alone can be liberating and peaceful, but it can also be isolating. That's where Lifestyle Communities® come in with options across Victoria. These communities are upgrade on the old retirement villages. Lifestyle Communities® are designed to provide the best of both worlds, offering residents a sense of community and connection, as well as the privacy and independence of living alone.

Say Goodbye to Loneliness

Living alone can be a lonely experience, especially if you don't have many friends or family nearby. But in a lifestyle home, you're surrounded by like-minded individuals who share your interests and hobbies. This makes it easy to make new friends and form meaningful connections, helping you feel less isolated and more connected to the world around you.

Embrace a Sense of Community

Living in at Lifestyle means you are part of a vibrant and active community, where there's always something going on. Whether it's an event, a fitness class, or a social gathering, there's always a way to connect with others and feel part of something bigger.

Enjoy a Low-Maintenance Lifestyle

One of the biggest advantages of living in a lifestyle community is the low-maintenance lifestyle it offers. You don't have to worry about mowing the lawn, fixing a leaky faucet, or dealing with other household chores – all of these tasks are taken care of for you. This frees up your time to enjoy the things you love, whether it's reading a book, taking a walk, or trying a new hobby.

Stay Active and Fit

Living in a lifestyle community means you have access to a wide range of fitness and wellness amenities, including swimming pools, fitness centres, and yoga studios. This makes it easy to stay active and fit, no matter your age or fitness level. Plus, you can take advantage of fitness classes and personal training sessions to help you reach your fitness goals.

Try New Hobbies and Activities

Living alone can make it easy to fall into a routine and stick to the same old hobbies and activities. But in a lifestyle community, you're surrounded by new and exciting opportunities to try new things. Whether it's joining a book club, taking an art class, or trying your hand at pickleball, there's always something new to explore.

Enjoy a Sense of Security

Living alone can be scary, especially if you're living in an unfamiliar area or you're concerned about your safety. But in a lifestyle community, you can enjoy a sense of security, knowing that you're surrounded by a supportive group of neighbours who have your back. Plus, many lifestyle communities offer security features like gated entrances and security cameras.

Simplify Your Life

Living in a lifestyle community means you don't have to worry about the hassle of homeownership. You don't have to worry about property taxes, homeowners’ insurance, or maintenance costs – all of these expenses are taken care of for you. This makes it easy to simplify your life and focus on the things that matter most to you.

Save Money

Living alone can be expensive, especially if you're living in a high-cost area or you're struggling to make ends meet. While living in a lifestyle community can be surprisingly affordable, with many downsizing options at Lifestyle offering affordable rent or ownership options. Plus, you can save money on things like transportation, gym memberships, and home maintenance costs.

Get Involved in the Community

Living in a lifestyle community means you're part of a larger society, and there are many opportunities to get involved and make a difference. Whether it's volunteering at a local charity, participating in a community event, or joining a resident committee, there are many ways to get involved and give back.

Living in a lifestyle community has numerous benefits that make it a better choice than living alone for over 50's. These communities provide residents with a sense of belonging and an opportunity to socialise, participate in various activities, and live a fulfilling life surrounded by like-minded individuals.

Moreover, lifestyle communities offer a range of amenities, such as fitness centres, swimming pools, and community centres, that make life more enjoyable and convenient. Living alone, on the other hand, can lead to isolation, loneliness, and boredom, which can negatively impact one's mental and physical health.

Therefore, if you're considering a lifestyle community, it's important to weigh the benefits and make an informed decision that matches your lifestyle and needs. Ultimately, choosing to live in a lifestyle community can be a great decision that leads to a more active, social, and fulfilling life with options all over Melbourne.

Contact Lifestyle Communities® today! To learn more about Lifestyle Communities, and all the benefits of living in a retirement living community call 1300 50 55 60.

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